",$com); $img1com = $rec['img1com']; $img2com = $rec['img2com']; $img3com = $rec['img3com']; } $sqllist=""; $sqllist.="select * from lettertemp where artnum = '$artnum' group by artnum"; $mqlist = mysql_query($sqllist,$conn); if($rec = mysql_fetch_array($mqlist)){ $atesaki1 = $rec['atesaki1']; $atesaki2 = $rec['atesaki2']; $top = $rec['top']; $foot = $rec['foot']; } $u1 = "${ownerid}/"."${Rdata}/"."image1".".jpg"; $u2 = "${ownerid}/"."${Rdata}/"."image2".".jpg"; $u3 = "${ownerid}/"."${Rdata}/"."image3".".jpg"; $img1flg=""; $img2flg=""; $img3flg=""; if(file_exists("$u1")){ $img1flg=1; $percent=0; //画像サイズ自動変更処理 list($width, $height) = getimagesize("$u1"); if($width > $height){ if($width > 180){ $percent = 180 / $width; } }elseif($width < $height){ if($height > 135){ $percent = 135 / $height; } }else{ if($width > 180){ $percent = 180 / $width; } if($height > 135){ $percent = 135 / $height; } } if($percent > 0){ $new_width1 = $width * $percent; $new_height1 = $height * $percent; }else{ $new_width1 = $width; $new_height1 = $height; } } if(file_exists("$u2")){ $img2flg=1; $percent=0; //画像サイズ自動変更処理 list($width, $height) = getimagesize("$u2"); if($width > $height){ if($width > 180){ $percent = 180 / $width; } }elseif($width < $height){ if($height > 135){ $percent = 135 / $height; } }else{ if($width > 180){ $percent = 180 / $width; } if($height > 135){ $percent = 135 / $height; } } if($percent > 0){ $new_width2 = $width * $percent; $new_height2 = $height * $percent; }else{ $new_width2 = $width; $new_height2 = $height; } } if(file_exists("$u3")){ $img3flg=1; $percent=0; //画像サイズ自動変更処理 list($width, $height) = getimagesize("$u3"); if($width > $height){ if($width > 180){ $percent = 180 / $width; } }elseif($width < $height){ if($height > 135){ $percent = 135 / $height; } }else{ if($width > 180){ $percent = 180 / $width; } if($height > 135){ $percent = 135 / $height; } } if($percent > 0){ $new_width3 = $width * $percent; $new_height3 = $height * $percent; }else{ $new_width3 = $width; $new_height3 = $height; } } if(isset($_POST['Rsubmit'])){//データベース削除処理 $artnum=$_POST['artnum']; $sql=""; $sql.="select * from album where artnum = '$artnum' group by artnum "; $mq = mysql_query($sql,$conn); if($rec = mysql_fetch_array($mq)){ $Rdata = _ss(_hs($rec['date'])); } if(!isset($Rdata)){ if(_S == 1){ header("Location: http://www.jhayashida.co.jp/prime/delmp3.php?id=$id"); }elseif(_S == 0){ header("Location: http://localhost/public/prime/delmp3.php"); } exit; } $u = "${id}/"."${Rdata}"; $u1 = "${id}/"."${Rdata}/"."image1".".jpg"; $u2 = "${id}/"."${Rdata}/"."image2".".jpg"; $u3 = "${id}/"."${Rdata}/"."image3".".jpg"; if(file_exists("$u1")){ unlink("$u1"); } if(file_exists("$u2")){ unlink("$u2"); } if(file_exists("$u3")){ unlink("$u3"); } if(file_exists("$u")){ rmdir("$u"); } $sql = ""; $sql.= "DELETE FROM album WHERE artnum='$artnum'"; mysql_query($sql,$conn); $sql = ""; $sql.= "DELETE FROM travel WHERE artnum='$artnum'"; mysql_query($sql,$conn); mysql_close($conn); if(_S == 1){ header("Location: http://www.jhayashida.co.jp/prime/del_letter_con.php?id=$id"); }elseif(_S == 0){ header("Location: http://localhost/public/prime/delmp2.php"); } exit; } ?> 12){ //月が13以上になったときの処理 $month -=12; $year += 1; } break; case 2 ; $year += 1; break; case 3 ; $year += 10; break; case 4 ; $year += 100; break; } setcookie("year",$year,time()+60*60); setcookie("month",$month,time()+60*60); mb_language("Ja") ; mb_internal_encoding("JIS") ; header('content-type: text/html; charset =' ._CHARSET); ?> マウスだけで簡単に作れる ブログワン

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▼  さんの 秒頃の記事
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